Larix laricina

Larix laricina, American larch, tamarack, hackmatack, eastern larch, black larch, red larch, Pinaceae, boreal forest, deciduous tree, coniferous tree, wood used for snowshoes = tamarack (Algonquin), small bright red cones turn brown before releasing seeds after pollination, swamps, bogs, and low-land areas, commonly occurs at the tree line at the edge of the artic tundra, can tolerate very cold temperatures -65C, early bog invader, common plant associations include Picea mariana, Abies balsamea, Picea glauca, Populus tremuloides, / Thuja occidentalis, Fraxinus nigra, Acer rubrum,/ Ulmus americana, Populus balsamifera, Pinus banksiana, Betula papyrifera, / casts light shade = dense undergrowth of boggy shrubs... labrador tea, willows, dogwood..., monoecious, common bosai tree, native to Canada, Yukon east to Newfoundland, rain garden,